Thursday, February 16, 2012

God's Evolution: 4000 – 1000 BC – The Sumerians: The gods that crea...

God's Evolution: 4000 – 1000 BC – The Sumerians: The gods that crea...: The Sumerian people arrived in the Mesopotamian region called Sumer around 4000 BC, they had a very complex society and carefully recorded...

4000 – 1000 BC – The Sumerians: The gods that created us.

The Sumerian people arrived in the Mesopotamian region called Sumer around 4000 BC, they had a very complex society and carefully recorded the history of their gods, which as absurd as it may be, it is not as absurd as the religions professed today.

Their concept of god was simple: aliens, yes you read correctly, aliens. They believed that aliens from the planet Nibiru came to earth and planted the seeds of humanity, we can interpret that as an alteration of the humanoids' DNA from planet Earth. Their gods were both male and female and their main god was Anu the sky-god, and lord of all spirits and demons. The Sumerians believed in a heaven and in a hell or underworld.

They believed that these aliens gave mankind the power of communicating, writing, and basically thinking. The first writings found were from the Sumerians and we can say that their culture created an official and organized way of worship and religion. They needed a justification for humans to be the only animals on the face of the planet capable of communicating and creating. In the absence of an explanation for that which had no answer they created gods, but at least for them these gods were not omnipresent or omnipotent… they were bigger, stronger and more intelligent beings from a far away planet, who the Sumerians adored, but were beings that lived longer than humans but who were not immortal.

For more information go to

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

God's Evolution: The Gods of the Cavemen

God's Evolution: The Gods of the Cavemen: Even though there is no way to confirm that the cave art found from the “cavemen” that lived through the Ice Age over 35,000 years ago, w...

God's Evolution: 5500-4000 BC – the Badarian: The dawn of the gods...

God's Evolution: 5500-4000 BC – the Badarian: The dawn of the gods...: The Badarian were a nomad tribe from Africa located in Lower Egypt; and the forefathers of what later became of the greatest and most imp...

5500-4000 BC – the Badarian: The dawn of the gods.

The Badarian were a nomad tribe from Africa located in Upper Egypt; and the forefathers of what later became of the greatest and most impressive of all ancient history’s religions: the Egyptians.

There has been many debates about the Badarian beliefs and religious rites, nothing can be proven as the findings have not been too clear, however, among the things discovered is that the Badarian, even though they were nomadic, they buried their dead in a ritualistic manner – body pointing south, face pointing west. It is believed that mankind began burying their dead when they began to belief in an afterlife, trying to supply their loved ones with the necessary items for their journey to the afterlife, before they believed in life after death, humans did what other animals and few current tribes do: leave the bodies where they died. They buried their dead with ornaments representing animals, pottery and other amulets that coincide with some sort of spiritual/religious beliefs. The fact that the Badarian consistently buried their dead is enough to safely assume that they believed in the afterlife, but more concise proof is yet to be discovered. We can conclusively say that the Badarian were the predecessors of a systematic form of religion.

Humanity just created the afterlife, in an effort to comfort themselves for the loss of a loved one. The need to fill the void, left by their death, with the hopes of joining them in that journey later in their lives propelled mankind to use one of their most magnificent tools: their imagination, hence, creating life after death. The official birth of religion!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Gods of the Cavemen

Even though there is no way to confirm that the cave art found from the “cavemen” that lived through the Ice Age over 35,000 years ago, were meant to be a religious representation, we can safely assume that it was the birth of some sort of religion.

Ancient men depended on hunting, they would feed their tribe with the meat of the animals they hunted and from the skin they would clothed themselves to get protection from the harsh environment they were living in, their mere survival depended on hunting; it is only logical to think that they drew on the walls of caves such as the caves in Lascaux, France and in Altamira, Spain in an effort to call on some sort of deity that will help them get the animals they were adorning the walls of the caves with and that were so important if they were to survive. I can imagine that if by chance they had a good hunting after making those drawing and perhaps chanting some sort of prayer, a ‘god’ was then born and, as animals often do, they passed that knowledge to their offspring perpetuating that god for generations to come, with the passage of time it acquired new and better powers until it evolved to the gods we know today. Those rustic drawings were the dawn of religion when cavemen gave birth to god into an inhospitable world and just as life evolved on the planet, so did god in all its manifestations.

We can say that god came to life around 35,000 years ago, perhaps even earlier!

God's Evolution: Welcome to my Blog

God's Evolution: Welcome to my Blog: Since the beginning of time, man has tried to justify the unexplained with the supernatural, a deity. These justifications have changed...